Make informed choice of stream, career and more
Here at NU, we bring to you crucial readings which will propel you in your path towards academic and professional excellence.
What does it take to build your career in data science
Imagine a world that’s driven by data; in this world data isn’t just numbers, it is a fuel that propels business activity around the world.
5 Game Changing Books for Engineers
In the fast-paced world of engineering, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Whether you’re a budding student or a seasoned professional, continuous learning and inspiration are key to success.
Why should you pursue BTech in Biotechnology
A field full of opportunities and promise, biotechnology stands out conspicuously in the ever-changing landscape of education and employment options.
How an Integrated MBA Degree Can Boost Your Career
Are you a student who dreams of becoming a business leader? If so, you’re probably wondering what steps you need to take to set yourself up for success in the corporate world.
B. Tech Data Science with Generative AI Engineering: A Winning Combination
Data science and AI are closely linked and often used together to solve complex problems.
What to Expect from Your First Year in a B. Tech Cyber Security Program
The increasing demand for data science experts is a direct result of the massive amount of data generated every day, from social media interactions to online shopping and browsing.
Why B. Tech ECE Is Your Best Bet In The 5G Era
What’s making our lives more connected and convenient today? Think about how easily we stream videos, use maps, or even track our health through devices.
Why Pursue a B. Tech in Data Science: Exploring the Benefits and Opportunities
The increasing demand for data science experts is a direct result of the massive amount of data generated every day, from social media interactions to online shopping and browsing.
Key Considerations for Picking the Right Integrated MBA College in India
Choosing a university to pursue your integrated MBA can be difficult, as this dual degree sets the foundation and future for your career.
The New Wave of Job Roles for B. Tech Biotechnology Graduates
The New Wave of Job Roles for B. Tech Biotechnology Graduates