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Admission Round for BTech, BBA & Integrated MBA(After Class XII) closing on March 31st, 2025.

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Your gateway to knowledge

A well-stocked library is the cornerstone of any educational institution. NIIT University’s (NU) Library and Information Resource Centre (NU LIRC) is a vital cog in teaching, learning, research and consultancy, offering access to an ocean of resources. It fosters intellectual curiosity, aids research and encourages critical thinking. Our library is fully equipped with books, journals and other digital resources which can be accessed in person, as well as online.

Easy access

LIRC uses Koha software for library management. Books are bar-coded and classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). An open access system and stack index system help users easily locate books they need. The catalogue can be browsed online through the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC).

Learning resources

Books across several disciplines support learning, teaching, research, and other needs. LIRC facilitates the purchase of textbooks if required.
Digital resources

Offers access to video lectures of the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) through NU’s Learning Portal.

A good collection of reference books, dictionaries and handbooks. Also comprises recreational and educational videos.
Offers access to national and international journals / e-journals in all the disciplines and programmes that NU offers.

Research aid

LIRC provides access to Turnitin Similarity and Ourginal software to improve the quality of research papers. Access is limited to faculty members, research scholars and select students.

Inter-network resources

LIRC is associated with other educational networks across the country as member or associate member, offering access to additional resources not otherwise openly available.


The association opens way for NU to access major resources such as E-Shodhsindhu; Shodhganga: A Reservoir of Indian Theses; Shodh Sudhi; Indian Access Management Federation – INFED (Shibboleth); E-Pg Pathshala: A gateway to all curriculum-based courses.

National Digital Library (NDL)

LIRC’s membership enables access to contributed e-contents (text, audio, video, image, animation, simulation, presentation, and application) of IIT Kharagpur, IIT Delhi, IIT Bombay, IIM Ahmedabad, NCERT and NPTEL (IIT Madras), among others.


Provides Inter-library loans of books and articles on exchange and loan basis.

Information services

The Knowledge Dissemination Cell (KDC) of LIRC disseminates information through current awareness service, current content service, and alert information service. It also provides reference and bibliographic services and newspaper clippings on demand.

Other services

LIRC offers facilities for printing, colour printing, photocopy, lamination, scanning and spiral binding of documents at nominal charges.

Lending privileges

Undergraduates3 books for 10 days
MTech10 books for 10 days
MBA/PG Diploma3 books for 10 days
Research scholars5 books for 10 days
Guests5 books at a time for 15 Days
  • 10 books for 6 months
  • 2 books on each allotted subject for a whole semester
Staff5 books for 30 days

Meet the team

The library team ensures the smooth functioning of library facilities and are available to answer any queries or address any issues you may have.

Dr. Vinay Kumar Kainthola

Dr Vinay Kumar Kainthola

Deputy librarian (Library in-charge)

Mr Shail Deen

Mr Shail Deen

Information analyst (Inter-department transfer)

Mr Omkar

Professional assistant

Mr Chunchun Mukhiya

Senior Library Assistant


Monday to Friday
09:30 AM to 08:00 PM and 09:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Saturday and Sunday
09.30 AM to 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM to 05.30 PM

Circulation hours

Monday to Friday
10:00 AM to 07:00 PM

Saturday and Sunday
10:00 AM to 05:30 PM

Reference books circulation (Overnight issue facility )

Extended hours

The library follows extended hours during examinations:
9:30 AM to 10:00 PM

9:30 AM to 8:00 PM

The library will be closed for lunch between 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM


LIRC remains closed on all university holidays.

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