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Learn From Educators

Innovative strategies for teaching-learning

NIIT University’s (NU) believes that dramatic progress is possible in both teaching and learning if innovative methodologies can be combined with time-tested ways of learning. The idea is to bring the teaching-learning process in alignment with the needs of a 21st century society.

With that in mind, NU launched its latest initiative called ‘Learn from Educators’. A carefully crafted forum for school educators and NU thought leaders, the Learn from Educators platform aims to gather school educators under one roof. The aim is to have educators come together to learn and exchange ideas on currently relevant topics and to draw inspiration from the disparate innovative teaching and learning methodologies.

Some of the sessions that were planned and executed successfully within a short span of time:

Putting NEP into Practice through Value-creating Experiential Learning
– Prof Parimal Mandke
Using Story Telling as a Pedagogical Tool
– Prof Eswaran Narasimhan
Educational Video Creation
– Prof Yogendra Pal
Creating Interactive Learning Objects using H5P
– Prof Yogendra Pal
Creating Sustainable Work Environments
– Air Cmde Kamal Singh
Assessments in the New Normal
– Dr Ritu Dangwal
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