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Admission Round for BTech, BBA & Integrated MBA(After Class XII) closing on February 15 , 2025.
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BTech IoT and Automation

An industry relevant course to chart your journey in Industry 4.0

Why needed?

We are living in a world where human to device and device to device communication is becoming normal. Devices range from the simple light bulb in our homes to robots and machines talking to each via the internet to perform tasks without human intervention leading to Internet of Things (IoT) and autonomous systems. According to Statista, our world will see more than 32.1 billion IoT devices in 2030. With the human population expected to reach 8.6 billion in 2030 as per United Nations, there would be approximately four IoT devices for each one of us.

IoT is used for automation of industrial production leading to the specialized domain of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) thus transforming our industry giving rise to Industry 4.0, also called IR4 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Our society too is changing rapidly due to advances in digital technologies leading to Digital Transformation of society. With IoT generating exponential data, AI, ML and Data Science technologies are used to glean meaningful information from the big data. Going forward, IoT and Automation are being increasingly applied to solve challenges such as climate change, water crisis, healthcare and agri as well as supply chain management and smart and sustainable cities.

Given this context, there is a strong need for IoT and Automation design engineers. NIIT University’s (NU) B.Tech in IoT and Automation program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to create smart systems and intelligent automated solutions. The program provides a solid foundation in designing Internet of Things (IoT) systems integrated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics. Students gain expertise through courses such as IoT and Sensor Networks, Embedded Systems, Automation and Process Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. The program emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach, combining Electronics, Communication, and Computer Science as a horizontal framework, with a specialized focus on IoT and Automation as its vertical core.

NIIT University introduces flexible curricular architecture through Industry Practice and Research Practice

In keeping with NU’s Core Principle of Industry-linked, BTech IoT and Automation students undertake a compulsory six-month  Industry Practice (IP)  at the industry site and are jointly supervised by industry and faculty mentors.

Industry Practice (IP) has been widely appreciated by NU’s industry partners with a majority of students been given a pre-placement offer (PPO).  Industry organisations have also expressed interest in longer duration IP.

Further NEP 2020 (National Education Policy 2020) too actively encourages internships with industry to improve employability of students.  It also suggests offering research internship opportunities with faculty researchers in own institution or other institutions and research organisations.  This has been reflected in UGC and AICTE policy and guidelines.

With this in mind, NU provides undergraduate students with three curricular architectures, including a revolutionary 1-Year Research Practice in the place of a single fixed architecture. This gives flexibility to students to craft their own industry/research engagement keeping their preference and motivation by choosing any one of the three curricular architectures.

The three curricular architectures are as follows:

  1. Curricular architecture 1: 6-month Industry Practice in the final eighth semester
  2. Curricular architecture 2: 1-Year Industry Practice spreading across two semesters in the final year
  3. Curricular architecture 3: 1-Year Research Practice spreading across two semesters in the final year

BTech IoT and Automation – Distinguishing Features

Like all our other flagship programmes, the BTech IoT and Automation course is designed around NU’s core principles of providing industry-linked, technology-based, research-driven and seamless education.

Our BTech IoT and Automation programme places you on a high-growth career journey that is both rewarding and fulfilling. Here’s how:

Industry-linked course architecture/curriculum

The curriculum and architecture aim to provide students dual advantages of academic rigor and real-world industry experiences. The curriculum has been developed with inputs from industry experts and faculty researchers. Students work and interact with industry and research institutions from the first year itself.

Industry-academic synergy for real-life immersive learning

The programme offers an immersive experience. Students of BTech IoT and Automation work on two capstone projects, an R&D (research and development) project, and undertake a 6-month long Industry Practice.

Students opting for 1-Year Industry Practice or Research Practice will undertake one Capstone project and engage in Industry Practice or Research Practice during the last two semesters.

Top-notch faculty

Our faculty comes with rich prior work experience in teaching, research, industry and the government. Their research has been published in several international journals and conference proceedings. Our faculty members have been preparing industry-ready AI, Data Science, CSE, Cybersecurity, ECE specialists for several years.

State-of-the-art infrastructure

True to its core principle of Technology-based, NU offers high-tech laboratories with all the necessary software and equipment to assist students in their experiential learning journey.

Unique teaching methodology

Several unique teaching methods are integrated into the project-based learning approach at NU. This approach helps students to develop critical thinking skills to engage deeply with subjects, interdisciplinary skills to see connections between subjects, collaborative skills to work as a team to solve a real-life problem. They become independent and self-directed learners who can chart their own learning journey successfully.

Read more about how NU students gain a distinct competitive edge.

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Programme outcomes

NU’s undergraduate programmes in Engineering and Management are designed to provide thorough grounding in the respective disciplines, offer a course of work that prepares them for either a professional career or advanced degrees.

NU expects that graduates of the  undergraduate Engineering programmes  will demonstrate the following programme outcomes as defined by NBA (National Board of Accreditation).


Engineering knowledge

Apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science, fundamentals of Engineering and an engineering specialisation to the solution of complex engineering problems.


Problem analysis

Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems to reach substantiated conclusions using first principles of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Engineering Sciences.


Design/Develop solutions

Design solutions for complex engineering problems and system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cognisant of cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.


Conduct investigations of complex problems

Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesise information to provide valid conclusions.


Modern tool usage

Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.


The engineer and society

Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues, and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.


Environment and sustainability

Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.



Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.


Individual and teamwork

Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.



Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large. This includes being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.


Project management and finance

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.


Life-long learning

Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and ability to, engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

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