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Promoting the exchange of interdisciplinary ideas

Entente 2022

Digitization and advancements in information technology has significantly proliferated GLOCAL information mobilization. Due to the massive mobility across humanity, the era of multi-dimensionality has come into existence; The word globalization is not just limited to economy or financial systems. In fact, the intervention of globalization in day-to-day life and this quantitative and qualitative shift from trade or professional opportunities to normal human existence has strong links with UNO’s Sustainable Development Goals. This shift urges researchers, academicians, industry personnel and students to exchange thoughts and ideas in such inter-disciplinary environment.

Organizing this conference is one of the ventures to facilitate deliberation on changing paradigms in the field of Language & Literature, Social Sciences, and Management. The wide spectrum of sub-themes will facilitate integrating the complex array of ethical, psychological, social, economic, cultural, linguistic, literary, political and administrative concerns in research and pedagogy. This conference attempts to provide an international platform for the academicians, researchers, industry personnel and students to share their research studies and innovative ideas in their respective domains. This conference is meant to promote research studies in the areas of Humanities, Commerce, Economics and Management. It aims to bridge the gap and promote intellectual exchange between researchers, students, and industrial workforce.

Read more about Entente 2022 here

Entente 2021

Amidst the pandemic, NIIT University (NU) successfully organised Éntente 2021, an international conference in Humanities, Social Sciences, Management and Education. Held virtually on online platforms, the four-day conference took place between 28-30 October 2021.

An international forum for academicians, researchers, industry personnel and students to share their research studies and innovative ideas, Éntente 2021 is part of NU’s constant endeavour to promote the exchange of thoughts and ideas in an interdisciplinary environment. Éntente 2021 specifically promoted deliberations on changing paradigms in the fields of Educational Technology, Management, Applied Economics, language, literature, and other contemporary social issues.

The conference boasted of a wide spectrum of sub-themes that integrated the complex array of educational technology, social, economic, cultural, linguistic, concerns in research. A diverse spectrum of participants came together in a virtual exchange of ideas and domain expertise. They included academicians, industry experts, young faculty members, policy makers, economists, importers/exporters and research scholars.
  • Encourage academicians, students, industry experts, practitioners, professionals, researchers, policy makers, etc., to share ideas, problems and solutions
  • Bridge the gap between academic wisdom and industry practices
  • Expedite discussion and showcase inter-disciplinary research
  • Brainstorm on a series of interdisciplinary topics that benefit the worlds of academia and industry
  • Facilitate immersion and collaboration in research and teaching-learning
Broad Themes Entente 2021

Broad themes - Entente 2021

  • Foster the entrepreneurial spirit
  • Create technology-based new enterprises
  • Create value-added jobs and services
  • Facilitate technology transfers, and
  • Promote the speedy commercialisation of R&D output

Sub-themes - Éntente 2021

  • Foster the entrepreneurial spirit
  • Create technology-based new enterprises
  • Create value-added jobs and services
  • Facilitate technology transfers, and
  • Promote the speedy commercialisation of R&D output

The participants submitted their entries in the form of research papers through EasyChair links. These papers were original and unpublished till submission, and offered new insights, approach or learning to the scholastic world. Each submission was vetted by a Review Committee through a blind review process. After a rigorous examination, participants were permitted to present their research. Their participation was appreciated and acknowledged with a certificate. The selected papers are to be published in a renowned journal or as an anthology of collected writings.

Area Art & Aliled Activities Language & Allied Areas Literature & Allied Areas Social Science & Allied Areas Management & Allied Areas Education Technology & Allied Areas
1 Inculcating Universal Human Values through Art Anthropological Linguistics Human Values through Language & Literature Inculcating Human Values among School Students through Effective Teaching Finance Pedagogy in Tech-savy World
2 Promoting Values through Arts Applied Linguistics Developing Soft Skills, Professional Ethics & Human Values Need of Human Values in the Society Human Resourse Pedagogy & Psychology
3 Art & Society Cognitive Science Inculcating Universal Human Values through World Literatures Development of Values through Education Data Analytics Equality & Equity in Teaching-Learning Process
4 Values through Hobbies Computational Linguistics Role of Literature and Language Causes of the Value Crisis in Modern Society Marketing Research Methodology
5 Discourse Analysis Inculcating Values through Poetry Imbibing Values through Curricular Activities Inculcating Universal Human Values through Management Inculcating Universal Human Values through Inclusive Education
6 Language Acquisition Role of English Literature to Inculcate Human Values Role of Teachers in Inculcating Values Teaching Managerial Skills to Technology Students Human Values and Its Relevance in Technical Education
7 Approaches of Language Teaching Dimensions of Human Values Complementing Management Skills to Technical Skills Science and Human Values
8 Language & Culture Cultivating Human Values through Yoga Mental, emotional and Behavioral States of Youth
9 Language & Media Human Values in Higher Education
10 Lexicography Value Education towards National and Global Development
11 Linguistics and Literature Role of Educational Institutions in Inculcating Values
Linguistic Theories Relevance of Human Values in Technical Education
Morphology Mental, Emotional and Behavioral States of Youth
Neurolinguistics Mind Management and Human Values
Phonetics Role of school in Value Orientation
Phonology Imbibing Values through Co-curricular Values
Pragmatics Human Values and Professional Ethics
Psycholinguistics Indian Culture & Globalisation
Analytical Study of Dialects and Registers
Text and Corpus Linguistics
Translating and Interpreting
Inculcating Universal Human Values through World Languages
Human Values and Soft Skill Developments in Education
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