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Entente 2022

Second International Conference in humanities and social sciences, management and educational technology, 03–05 November 2022 in hybrid mode

About conference

Today, digitisation and advancement in information technology has significantly proliferated ‘glocal’ information mobilisation. Due to massive mobility across humanity, the era of multi-dimensionality has come into existence. The word globalisation is not limited to the economy or financial systems alone. The intervention of globalisation in day-to-day life and its quantitative and qualitative impact on trade and even normal human existence has strong links with UNO’s Sustainable Development Goals. This shift urges researchers, academicians, industry personnel and students to exchange thoughts and ideas in such an inter-disciplinary environment.

At NIIT University (NU), organising Entente is one of our ventures to facilitate deliberation on the changing paradigms in the field of language, literature, social sciences, and management. The wide spectrum of sub-themes will facilitate integrating the complex array of ethical, psychological, social, economic, cultural, linguistic, literary, political and administrative concerns in research and pedagogy. This conference attempts to provide an international platform for the academicians, researchers, industry personnel and students to share their research studies and innovative ideas in their respective domains. It further aims to bridge the gap and promote intellectual exchange between researchers, students and industrial workforce. Read more
NU runs on four core principles- industry-linked, technology-based, research-driven and seamlessness. Research-driven and seamlessness lead to inter-disciplinary teaching-learning methods or research, which spans across all the areas and domains, which further leads to considerable societal applications. From research-based to teaching to project-based learning, every domain in our curriculum follows a new pedagogic approach. Such a multi-dimensional environment leads to occupational, spatial and temporal mobility, thereby leading to a seamless life.

In 2020 and 2021, the world came to a standstill due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As the world returns to its old routine again, we at NU have decided to conduct. Éntenté-2022 in an in-person mode.

Entente 2022 – Speakers

Prof. BB Dhar, Chairman, Accreditation Committee (APA & MPPA) Quality Council of India

Keynote address by prof BB Dhar, Chairman, Accreditation Committee (APA & MPPA) Quality Council of India

Topic of keynote: Sustainability Bringing practicality into existence
Prof Dhar is Chairman, Accreditation Committee (APA & MPPA)* Quality Council of India, and Member, National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET), Quality Council of India. Member, Research Council, CSIR- IMMT (Institute of Minerals and Material Technology), Bhubaneswar.  Member, Board of Directors, Tamil Nadu Industrial Explosives Limited, Government of Tamil Nadu, Chairman, KAMP (Knowledge Awareness Mapping Platform, a joint venture between CSIR-NSTAD and Nysa Communications Pvt. Ltd. Member, Board of Governors, National Institute of Rock Mechanics, Karnataka.
Prof Atma Sahu, Chair of Math and Computer Science, Coppin State University, USA

Plenary Session I - Address by Prof Atma Sahu, Chair of Math and Computer Science, Coppin State University, USA.

Topic of session: Cybersecurity Engineering B.S Degree Curricula Programme Design Framework
Dr. Atma Sahu is serving as a Professor and Chair Math, and Computer Sc. Dept., Coppin State Univ., USA. Over the period of 32 years, he has published numerous papers solving vibrations of turbine blades design problems, and in areas of problem solving, micro-teaching, and ethics.
Abstract of address:

The world is at risk, not only from a catastrophic cyberattack but from millions of daily intrusions disrupting everything from financial transactions, airlines, pipelines, and power grid to the inner workings of our electoral system. If this cyberattack trend is not reversed, there are going to be only cyber wars after the most recent 9/11. In the USA the cybersecurity workforce has more than 950,000 workers — with around 465,000 of them yet to be filled, according to ‘Cyberseek’, a project supported by the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE), a program of the NIST. With the cybersecurity workforce’s huge need and urgency to reduce the systems and software attack weaknesses in mind, a Cybersecurity Engineering (CYSE) B.S Degree curricula program was developed.

In this presentation, a CYSE Curriculum theoretical framework of integrated principle, practice, and rigour of engineering and operational security is described. Varied course requirements aspects of the CYSE course design framework will help address the threat-informed security learning outcomes, and direct students to learn to build, configure, operate, and maintain systems and software for secure and resilient operations. In other words, the theoretical framework of integrated systems engineering, and operational security is applied to threat-informed security risk analysis to reduce the systems and software attack surface. A NIST-based cyber security management framework topic is also included in the CYSE Curricula. In this presentation, the presenter will also address questions such as — What does the security engineer do? What are the Cybersecurity Engineering B.S Degree curricula program requirements? What modes of teaching and learning are suitable for delivering the CYSE curriculum? What is the CYSE course learning outcome assessment framework?
Prof Maiga Chang

Plenary Session II – Address by Prof Maiga Chang, Full Professor, School of Computing and Information Systems, Athabasca University, Canada.

Topic: Natural language processing based application and services

Dr. Maiga Chang is a Full Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at Athabasca University, Canada. His research mainly focusses on game-based learning, training and assessment; learning behaviour analysis; learning analytics and academic analytics; intelligent agent technology; health informatics; data mining; computational intelligence; natural language processing; artificial intelligence; museum education mobile learning and ubiquitous learning; healthcare technology, etc.

Abstract of address

In this talk, Prof Chang will introduce some of the research projects his research group has done with Natural Language Processing techniques. His research group uses natural language processing techniques including n-grams and part-of-speech tags to analyse large datasets like CORD-19, DBpedia, and Google Books to build an online summary generation system and Moodle plugin Ask4Summary as well as the valid n-grams identifier service that can help developers and researchers who are working on simularity calculation for two pieces of text (eg, word and sentence natural language processing service at https://ws-nlp.vipresearch.ca) or Learning Object Relation Discovery.

Dr. Meenakshi Kaushik

Valedictory session by Dr. Meenakshi Kaushik, Professor and Dean (Research), Trinity Institute of Innovations in Professional Studies, affiliated Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University), Greater Noida

Topic of session: Digital Transformation Recent trends and practices in management and business organisations

Dr. Meenakshi Kaushik is Professor and Dean (Research) at Trinity Institute of Innovations in Professional Studies. Dr. Meenakshi has more than 17 years of experience in teaching, training, research and corporate in HR and OB, Values and Ethics and Gender issues. She has recently authored a book, Digital Transformation: Recent Trends and Practices, published by Himalaya Publishing House and available on Amazon and Himalaya publication websites.

Abstract of session

This talk covers the Discovery Driven digital transformation( DDP) strategy adopted by organisations and the scope of digitalisation and adoption of digital technology in all industries to improve increased efficiency, increased productivity, lower operational costs, improved customer experiences, higher agility, enhanced employee morale, improved communication, improved competitive advantage, faster decision making.

It also addresses concepts of predictive analytics and digitalisation in management accounting and control, HR transformation in the digital age, and digitalisation in various industries. It provides some insights into Digital India and its impact on employment.

Objective of the conference

  • To encourage academicians, students, industry experts, practitioners, professionals, researchers and policy makers to share ideas, problems and solutions.
  • To bridge the gap between academic wisdom and industry practices
  • To facilitate discussion and showcase inter-disciplinary research
  • To brainstorm on a series of inter-disciplinary topics that will benefit the academia and industry.
  • To facilitate immersion and collaboration in research and teaching-learning

Target audience

  • Students/ research scholars
  • Academicians/Researchers
  • Policy makers and regulators
  • Industry experts /Rating agencies/Law firms
  • Chartered accounts / Cost accounts /Company secretaries
  • Financial consultants and Practitioners
  • NGOs and registered societies/trusts
  • Bank/NBFCs/Micro-finance Institutions
  • Economists

Call for paper

Submissions can be made under the following sub themes given below:


  • Sustainable developments in the wake of Industry 4.0
  • Business strategy and sustainability
  • Corporate governance and sustainability reporting
  • Circular economy
  • Blue economy
  • Entrepreneurial ecosystem
  • Sustainable marketing
  • Sustainable public policy
  • Green management tools and processes
  • Humanities and social sciences
  • Innovation and entrepreneurial management system
  • Fund-raising
  • International marketing
  •  Business to Consumer (B2C) Marketing
  • Digital marketing
  • Customer retention
  • Leadership through ICT
  • Sustainable finance
  • Urban planning and development
  • Sustainable development in war ravaged economies
  • Implications of pandemic on achieving SDGs
  •  Sustainability marketing
  • Transformation and structured management practice
  • Catalyszing innovation in organizations
  • Corporate financial policies
  • Accounting, financial reporting and regulations
  • Cost management policies and opportunities
  • Financial markets, regulations, and development
  • Sustainable, environmental finance, and investment innovations
  • Behavioral finance and its relevance to policymaking
  • Banking policies and financial inclusion
  • Corporate governance and ethics
  • Accounting and finance education
  • Corporate finance and governance
  • Trend and challenges in banking and financial service
  • Emerging issues in finance
  • Machine learning in organisational decision-making
  • Learning and development needs of new age and fast-growing organisations
  • VUCA and HR complexities
  • Changing organizational and HR practices
  • Team building organizational communication and information management
  • Innovative practices in human resource management
  • Building high performance organisations
  • Innovative HR branding strategies
  • Innovative organisation change and effectiveness strategies
  • Creating high-performance workplaces for talent management.
  • Innovative compensation practices and people management

Humanities and social sciences

  • Implication of pandemic in socio-cultural and economic spaces
  • Eco-centrism in contemporary literature
  • Post-pandemic literature
  • Migration practices and literature
  • Peace and war literature
  • Work force diversity and equality
  • Gender diversity
  • Business and organisation communication
  • Green cities
  • Mental health and well-being
  • Health tourism
  • Sustainable tourism and hospitality
  • Climate change
  • Psychological and philosophical pursuit of happiness and wellbeing
  • Positive psychology interventions
  • Psychotherapy and humanistic psychology
  • Yoga, meditation and spirituality
  • Philosophy and resilience
  • Mental health and wellness
  • Child and adolescent psychology
  • Industrial and organizational psychology
  • Cultural responsiveness in education
  • Overcoming negative emotions at workplace

Educational technology

  • Sustainability in higher education
  • Story telling in academics
  • Learning disabilities
  • Curriculum design and instruction
  • Technology for education
  • Testing and assessment

Submission guidelines

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

Abstract(s) and full paper(s) approved by the review committee will be invited for presentation at the conference.

Soft copy of the abstract in MS word should reach the conference organizing committee through Easy Chair latest by 10 September 2022.

The abstract submission guidelines are as follows:

  • Submit soft copy of the abstract in maximum 500 words in MS word should reach the conference organising committee through Easy Chair latest by 10 September 2022.
  • Abstract must contain details about the names of the author(s), contact details, institutional affiliation, and designation.
  • Maximum of five keywords are to be provided along with the abstract.
  • Acceptance of the abstracts shall be communicated via email by 12 September 2022.
  • On selection of the abstract, the author(s) must pay the required fees no later than 20 October 2022. Early bird registration is till 5 October 2022.
  • The link for the payment portal shall be sent to the authors whose abstract would be selected along-with the acceptance mail.

The manuscript submission guidelines are as follows:

  • The full paper should have a separate cover page bearing only the title of the paper and author name(s), designation(s), official address(es) along with phone number(s) and e-mail address(es).
  • The full paper should not exceed six pages (all inclusive) using Times New Roman font, 12pt, single spacing and follow APA referencing throughout the manuscript.
  • In case of more than six pages, extra charges per page will be paid by author.
  • All the submitted papers will undergo plagiarism check. Maximum acceptable limit is 10 %. Papers not satisfying the criteria will be summarily rejected.
  • Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their paper(s) for presentation through email.


  • Student Best Paper award in Management, Social Science & Humanities and Educational Technology  
  • Academician Best Paper award in Management, Social Science & Humanities and Educational Technology  

Publication opportunities

  • Selected research papers will be published in SSCI Indexed/UGC Care/ Scopus-indexed International Journals.
  • All other research papers will be published in Edited book by Renowned International Publishers.  

Important Dates

Subject Date
Submission of full paper 5th October 2022
Early bird registration 5th October 2022
Registration 20th October 2022

Registration Fee

Category Offline participation Online participation*
National International National International
Student/Research Scholar 1000/- $15 1500/- $15
Academician 2500/- $35 4000/- $55
Industry/Corporate Person 3500/- $45 5000/- $65
  • Registration fee is non-refundable and does not include accommodation charges
  • Registration fee includes, conference kit, conference programme guide, admission to all conference sessions, registration fee payment receipts (invoices), Certificate of Presentation or Participation, lunch and high tea during the conference, bus service within NCR from some spots.
Note: Those who missed last date of registration and want to do spot registration, may pay the registration amount through UPI/Cash. Kits will be provided as per availability.
*On one registration maximum two participants per paper are allowed for presentation in online mode only.

Registration link: https://forms.gle/Pu2NNGCQQbKXV82A7

Easy chair link: https://easychair.org/cfp/Entente2022

Payment detail: https://rzp.io/l/il65Qh9Ogp

Also, you can submit the registration fee through NEFT/RTGS in the following bank account:

Bank Account Details
Beneficiary Name NIIT UNIVERSITY
Beneficiary Bank Name ICICI BANK LTD.
Account No. 153001000047
IFSC code ICIC0006631

Accommodation charges

  • Accommodation will be provided in executive block of the university campus.
  • 2000/-per person per day for single room and breakfast, lunch & dinner
  • 1500/-per day per person, which includes double sharing room, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • 1500/- per day per person for accompanying person, which includes double sharing room, breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Mr Rajendra S Pawar

Founder, NIIT University (NU)
Chairman and Co-Founder,
NIIT Limited

Mr Vijay K Thadani

Co-Founder NIIT University
Managing Director and Vice Chairman,
NIIT Limited


Prof Rajesh Khanna

NIIT University, Neemrana

Mr Harpal Singh

Impact Projects Pvt. Ltd.

Advisory board

Prof Sugata Mitra
Professor Educational Technology School of Education,
Communication and Language Sciences,
Newcastle University
Prof Atma Sahu
Chairperson and Professor,
Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science Coppin State University,
Maryland, USA
Prof Raj Singh
Vice Chancellor
JAIN (Deemed to be University)
Prof. Emeritus Devendra Pathak
Chief Executive Officer
Fore Academy of Management Education,
Gurgaon Former Vice Chancellor
Uttaranchal University, Dehradun
Prof. Sonjoy Dutta Roy
Head, Department of English & Modern European Languages
University of Allahabad
Prof Vineeta Singh
Dean Research & Professor
Department of Statistics, Institute of Social Science
Dr B R Ambedkar University, Agra
Prof Vibhuti Jain
Former HOD and Professor
Department of History and Culture
Dr B R Ambedkar University, Agra
Prof Nitesh Bansal
Chief Compliance Officer
Professor & Vice-Dean
OP Jindal Global University, Sonipat
Prof P Lakshmi
United World School of Law (UWSL)
Karnavati University, Ahmedabad
Prof Samar Sarabhai
Professor Marketing
Dean Academics
PAN Area Chair – Strategy and General Management
Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur
Prof Kanu Priya Jain
Associate Dean,
School of Law
Sushant University, Gurugram
Prof Tanuja Kaushik
Director Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Dean Student Welfare & International Relations
GD Goenka University,

Organising Committee

Prof. Vijay Vasantrao Mandke
Area Director, Educational Technology Area
NIIT University, Neemrana
Prof. Ratna Sanyal Dean (Research),
Professor Computer Science and Engineering
NIIT University, Neemrana
Dr. Sushil Kalyani
Area Director,
Management Area NIIT University,
Dr. Anshima Prakash Srivastava
Area Director, Humanities Area
NIIT University, Neemrana
Dr Keerti Jain
Assistant Professor,
Management Area
NIIT University, Neemrana
Organising Secretary
Dr Ratika Kaushik
Assistant Professor,
Humanities Area
NIIT University, Neemrana
Organising Secretary
Dr Yogendra Pal
Assistant Professor, Educational Technology
Area NIIT University,
Organising Secretary

Contact details

All questions about submissions should be emailed to:

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