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Admission Round for BTech, BBA & Integrated MBA(After Class XII) closing on February 15 , 2025.
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MTech ET Admissions

MTech Educational Technology

NIIT University (NU) invites applications from all pre-service and in-service professionals with a graduate degree in any discipline who work in designing training and information systems across organisations and teaching institutions.

For eligibility requirements, click here
m tech admission

How to apply

Interested applicants must create an account on the NU Online Applicant Portal to download an application form or obtain it from any of NU’s designated Admissions Offices. An applicant may submit the completed application form, along with all relevant and required documents, in one of the following ways:

  • Online at www.niituniversity.in All relevant documents must be scanned and uploaded along with the application form.
  • Send the form along with the documents by registered post/speed post/courier service to NU Central Admissions Office at NIIT House, 8, Balaji Estate, Guru Ravi Das Marg, Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019.
  • Submit the printed application form and required documents in person to an authorised NU representative at NU Admissions Office.
  • Email the scanned copy of the completed form to admissions@niituniversity.in along with scanned copies of the required documents.
Please note:
  • All required documents should be submitted along with the completed application form. If the forms are submitted online, a scanned copy of all the required documents should also be attached.
  • The application fee of ₹ 1,500 can be paid online or by cheque/demand draft in favour of NIIT University, payable at Gurugram.
  • *Note: If the application fee is paid by cheque/demand draft, then the completed application form along with the required documents and application fee must be submitted in person only.
NU will send an acknowledgement of receipt of the application form, along with the schedule for admission process, to each eligible candidate within 48 hours of receiving the application.
Eligible candidates will be notified by the NU Admissions Office about interview dates and the location where they will be held.

The following will be assessed during the interview:
  • Written and oral English
  • Overall personality
Eligible candidates will then go through additional tests, presentations or viva.

An admission offer will be made to selected candidates via email.

Selected candidates should submit their acceptance letter duly signed by them and their parent/guardian along with a non-refundable admission acceptance fee/admission processing fee of ₹ 15,000 (Rupees Fifteen thousand only) via electronic transfer or demand draft (in favour of NIIT University, payable at Gurugram in person) within five working days of receiving the offer letter.

Applicants may be put on a waitlist. Those who have not been selected will receive a regret letter.
Applicants must submit their graduate/postgraduate examination mark sheet (if not submitted along with the application form) to NU Admissions Office with the reference of application number (dates will be published soon).

If the results of graduate / postgraduate examinations have not yet been announced by the university, the applicant must inform the NU Admissions Office about the delay and seek a written extension for the submission of the graduation/post-graduation results.
Students are expected to join the university campus on the first day of the academic year (to be published soon) to complete the first registration formalities including submission of original mark-sheets of their master’s degree (if applicable), graduation, Class X and XII.
Selected candidates will be enrolled into the programme when they pay the balance applicable fee as per the preferred payment plan (semester/annual) along with the refundable interest-free security deposit. The fee can be paid online (credit card/ debit card/ net banking) or by cheque/DD in favour of NIIT University, payable at Delhi/Gurugram.

Admission to the programme is subject to the following terms and conditions

  • Submission of duly completed application form by specified date with all necessary documents as specified in the prospectus/admission notification, along with the application fee of ₹ 1,500.
  • Applicant must submit their acceptance letter duly signed and pay a non-refundable fee of ₹ 15,000 towards Acceptance and Admission processing fee by cash, or by electronic transfer, or by crossed Demand Draft in favour of NIIT University payable at New Delhi, within five working days from the receipt of offer letter, and courier the same to the NU Admission Office, failing which the admission offer will automatically stand withdrawn.
  • Admission is valid only for the programme stated in the offer letter for the academic year 2022-2023.
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