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Blood Donation

Blood Donation: A Fulfilling Experience

“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men” —Herman Melville
Blood Donation
There is no better service to the society than giving life to somebody one doesn’t even know. Reiterating this fact, a blood donation camp was organized by NIIT University in association with the Indian Red Cross Society on September 19, 2011 where students, faculty and staff members came forward to support the noble drive. The doctors from the Indian Red Cross Society guided the student volunteers as well as the donors and cleared their doubts regarding the myths on blood donation. The camp witnessed an overwhelming response especially from the students with 84 donors contributing to the cause. Besides a souvenir each donor received a certificate of appreciation by NU and a donor certificate by the Red Cross Society.

The initiative kindled a spirit of social responsibility amongst the student community which contributed whole heartedly towards making it a huge success. “Blood Donation exemplifies the true spirit of sacrifice and that is why I participated in this campaign”, said Pranav Vashishth, one of the student volunteers from B Tech II Year. Chetna, another student volunteer who was actively involved under the able guidance of Professor Deepak Khanna also felt that the drive emphasized the value of community service. Pratishtha Saini, an MBA student echoed the wish of all 84 donors when she said, “Programs of similar kind should be organized in future where we are able to do things that make us feel good and responsible”.
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