First International Workshop on Threat Protection and Cybersecurity Challenges 2022
Event Venue: Online using Zoom – Prior registration
The CSE Area of NIIT University organised the first international workship on Threat Protection and Cybersecurity Challenges on 18th February, 2022. It is the first in the series of workshops being planned in the critical domain of Cybersecurity.
Cybersecurity is the most important area of concern in the current digital era. Attacks like denial of service, spreading malware/virus, cyber terrorism, unauthorized access into other computer systems, phishing, cyber espionage is quite prominently present in every level of the digital community today. The Cybersecurity risk, challenges, and solutions are rapidly changing. To address these, NIIT University has initiated a series of Cybersecurity initiatives for further awareness creation in society, government, and private sectors. These steps will educate people about Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Cyber forensics, and National Cybersecurity policies. Â The first workshop included expert talks and hands-on training sessions. Prof. Rajesh Khanna, President, NIIT University welcomed the experts and audience. It was followed by a series of invited talks:
Invited Talk I– By Dr. Tripta Thakur Director-General, National Power Training Institute, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India
Invited Talk II– By Mr. M.A.K.P. Singh, CE (IT), Central Electricity Authority, CISO, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India.
Invited Talk III– Lt. General (Dr) Rajesh Pant, National Cyber Security Coordinator, Prime Minister’s Office, Government of India
Invited Talk IV– By Mr. Vinayak Godse, Sr. Vice President, Data Security Council of India
Topic:Â Security Technology Thinking
Mr. Vivek Kumar Anand, Faculty, CSE Area conducted a hands-on session on ‘Networks security through Wireshark-Tools and Security perspective’
The workshop details are available at