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Mba Students

An incredible learning experience for NU MBA students in China

Mba Students
As part of the International Immersion Programme, the students of MBA spent an enriching evening with Dr Jaishankar, the Indian Ambassador to China. It was a highly interactive session where the students posed pertinent questions ranging from bilateral relations to the economic growth of the country.

The International Immersion Programme at NU offered a unique opportunity to MBA students to meet Dr Jaishankar, the Indian Ambassador to China. The session began with a small opening address by Dr Jaishankar at his residence in the embassy where he congratulated the students on choosing to visit China to understand entrepreneurial insights. The briefing by the Ambassador was followed by a question answer session where he spoke on everything from “how can a democracy like India compete with this place?” to “what do Chinese people think of India” and the students got amazing insights from a man well recognised as one of India’s primary diplomat.

While answering the queries very patiently, Ambassador Jaishankar underlined the need for vocational courses and higher technical education to make the youth market ready. He briefed the students with the urbanisation policy of China and its comparison with India. He also shared his views on the economy of China as well as the strategy and structure of MNCs in the country.

The detailed interactive session gave an inside glimpse of the socio-cultural environment as well as business ethos of China
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