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NIIT University celebrates National Hindi Day 2022

Date: 14 September 2022
Time: Morning and Evening
Venue: Online, Senate Room

NIIT UNIVERSITY staff and students celebrated the National Hindi Day with great enthusiasm. An ONLINE QUIZ conducted in the morning to test the knowledge of Hindi elicited excellent response and best three were chosen as winners.

The evening saw a Chintan assembly in the Senate Room. This was attended by university professors to discuss the Hindi language and its impact on the society. Several views were expressed, and ideas were exchanged.

Prof Chandan Medatwal from Management Area recited her poem:

हिंदी दिवस पर विशेष

आधुनिक एवं पाश्चात्य संस्कृति की ओट में,

हिंदी का भी मान हम रख लें,

थोड़ा सा ही सही,

कुछ वार्तालाप शुद्ध हिंदी में भी कर लें।

मैंने मान लिया अंग्रेजी को पढ़ा लिखा,

हिंदीभाषी अनपढ़ भी नहीं,

ये भी थोड़ा ध्यान हम कर लें।

इस हिंदी ने शब्दों को सँवारा है,

वर्तनी, बिंदु जैसे अलंकरण से,

प्रत्येक शब्द एवं वाक्यों को निखारा है।

उर्दू,अरबी,इटली,अंग्रेजी जो भी हो,

हिंदुस्तानी हृदय के भावों ने

भावनाओं को सदैव, हिंदी में पुकारा है।

~ डाॅ. चन्दन ~


Prof Deepak Khanna recited a portion of the famous book RASHMIRATHI by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, a Jnanpith Award winner and hailed as India’s National Poet (Rashtrakavi). RASHMIRATHI is about the return of Pandavas after their14-year exile.

The Chintan ended with a thank you from Prof. Rajesh Khanna, President, NIIT University to all those who participated and made the Hindi Day successful.

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