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Dr Sachin Pathak

NIIT University (NU) is glad to welcome Dr Sachin Pathak to the NU family!

Dr Sachin Pathak
We are pleased to welcome Dr Sachin Pathak as NIIT University’s new Assistant Professor in Mathematics. He joins the Mathematics and Basics Sciences Area. His unique blend of experience in Applied Mathematics and teaching pedagogy makes him an ideal fit for NU’s unique teaching-learning process and emphasis on research.

He received his PhD from IIT Patna and MSc from IIT Kanpur. His main area of research is algebraic coding theory, and the central component of his research has been the construction of quantum error-correcting codes and DNA codes.

In addition to this, he has also given the construction of Homological Quantum codes from surface maps. The target applications of his research are the construction of Entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes (EAQECCs) and secret sharing schemes.

In his last endeavour, he worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at IIT Delhi on the project titled ‘Development of efficient homomorphic secret sharing schemes for applications in public health’. He has several publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Read more about Dr Sachin Pathak, here.
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